Picture This

Last night a new puzzle cache popped up nearby, and Rich happened to notice the notification email. We had a chance for a First Find! Read More ...

Ghosts of the Past

Today was another very hot and humid, but still beautiful, day. Rich and I decided to take a short walk on the Trolley Trail (the Glenburn section) to see what plants we might be able to find and photograph. The trail wasn't busy at all, surprisingly for such a nice Sunday, but it also wasn't too fruitful as far as wildflowers go. It's heavily shaded and very lush, and ferns dominate. We found only a few small foxglove stalks, some thistles emerging, some berries beginning to form, and lots and lots of the aforementioned ferns! Read More ...

Where's Jack?

Rich and I spent several afternoons at Lackawanna State Park searching for and photographing the emerging spring wildflowers. Read More ...