Friday Adventures: Tipitina and No-Longer-Cozy Squirrel

We began our day with another fun puzzle geocache by zzbob. This one was much simpler than the others! When we looked at the final location, though, we weren’t too excited by the thought of poking around in yet more knotweed and poison ivy. At least not in the middle of summer! We do sometimes drive out that way, so maybe if we’re nearby in the fall or winter we’ll take a look.

In the afternoon, Rich mentioned that he would like to visit Lackawanna State Park, specifically to check on his geocache there, Cozy Squirrel Lookout. After my amazing red raspberry cobbler came out of the oven (thanks for the berries, Elaine!) we took a drive over to the park and parked near the trailhead for the Turkey Hill Trail. We were unable to find the first part of the geocache—the tree that once held the clue (and that served as the namesake squirrel lookout) has partially rotted away, and half of the tree is now lying on the ground. With the clue nowhere to be found, we set out to look for the second (final) part. We haven’t been there in a while, and didn’t find it where we expected to. With nettles and poison ivy in the area, we didn’t want to wander around too much. We’ll go back once we have the exact coordinates in hand. On the plus side, while we were walking around, I found two more small populations of Jack in the Pulpit!

It was getting warm and very humid, and neither of us felt like cooking anything. Pizza (plain and fresh tomato-garlic) from Colarusso’s in Clarks Summit was the perfect supper for this summer Friday!

Today's Geocache

The Blues #19 – Tipitina

:warning: These coordinates are bogus—solve the puzzle to determine the correct coordinates!

Hi, zzbob!

We had so much fun working out your other nearby mystery caches that we decided to try Tipitina as well. This one was much easier for us, and it didn’t take long before Certitude confirmed my answer. Rich wanted to work it out himself so I held off on researching the final location until this morning. Unfortunately, now that I’ve seen the map and satellite view, I think that just like “Five Card Hand,” this one may be better to search for at any time of year other than mid-July! If we’re in the area, maybe in the fall, we will certainly give it a try. Thanks for another fun puzzle!


Howdy, ZZBob!

This was definitely a much easier ZZBob puzzle than the last few we worked on. Zhanna solved it right off. She really is the puzzle nerd! Took me quite a bit longer but I finally dredged up the correct answer, confirmed by Certitude. Nice puzzle, though! On the other hand, once I got a look at the aerial and street views of the location as indicated by the coordinates, I decided that I’m not particularly interested—especially at this time of the year—in making the trip just to rummage around in it. For me, it’s not about the numbers anyway. I’m content with having solved the Mystery puzzle and posting a note here on your cache description page. If, by chance, we happen to be in that part of NEPA in late Fall or Winter, AFTER the vegetation has died back, we may be more inclined to stop for a quick search for the hide.

As always, TFTC.

~Rich in NEPA~

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