A Real E. Nygma

We’ve had this puzzle cache on our minds for a few days, but hadn’t had a chance to sit down and solve it. Rich found what appeared to be a hidden clue and at first we were sure that was all we needed to do—we just needed to find the time. Well, this morning we sat down to solve it. We easily translated the clue we had found, only to find that it was a red herring!

Some cursing ensued, and then we got back to work. We decided to tackle the “obvious” code on the page. In the process I discovered a great online cryptographic tool ( and we decoded the text, only to find that it was yet another red herring.

Finally, we tried another idea that is normally one of the very first things we check (I suppose we didn’t this time because we were distracted by the red herrings). Alas, the discovery of this piece, knowledge of what it was, and the use of another online tool to make the translation easier were all it took to have the solution in hand.

Today's Geocache

Please Don’t Hate Me!

:warning: These coordinates are bogus—solve the puzzle to determine the correct coordinates!

Rich logged this cache for both of us.

Howdy, “Ed”!

After losing the scent twice, ace inspector Zhanna tracked down and apprehended the crafty solution. Yes, we got the green light! However, we probably won’t be visiting this area anytime soon but we will put it on our to-do list, and if we should have the opportunity we’ll stop and take a look for the cache. Thanks for the wild goose chase.

~Rich in NEPA~ and Zhanna

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