“Easter” Weekend 2006

Thursday, 13 April:

As is typical on the day or two before a holiday break, I had to work dayshift. To ease the pain a bit, Rich decided to invite Aaron and me over for a little supper. While waiting for Aaron to arrive we watched from the open kitchen door a wild fifteen-minute hailstorm, after which the sun came out and everything sparkled. We shared ‘dawgs (with plenty of Rich’s special “first you get the sweet, then you get the hot” sauce, of course), beer and stories till just after 8:00pm, when it was time to go home, get some rest, and get ready for whatever adventures the next day would bring …

Friday, 14 April:

… which were basically nonexistent. The “possible afternoon showers” arrived as a steady chilling rain at about 10:30am, and lasted for the remainder of the day. Rich had to finish up that most loathsome of mid-April duties—taxes—so, in the interest of being free for the rest of the weekend he decided to stay in and finish filling out all the forms. I spent the day preparing for the “Friday night supper club” we’d planned on the night before. I was busy so I barely noticed the dreary afternoon—quite unusual for me. Rich arrived around 5:30pm (with most of his hair still on his head, I was relieved to note) and Aaron showed up about fifteen minutes later. Dinner was a real success! We began with a little teaser of cheesy garlic toasts, and then on to the real meal: thick steaks (1/3 of a cow, apiece?!) with blue cheese butter, tabouleh, cucumber salad, beer, and of course Haägen-Dazs vanilla-almond ice cream bars for dessert. Our evening entertainment was a two-hour documentary on the Gospel of Judas, which we watched while continually shooing the cats away from Rich’s new pants.

Saturday, 15 April:

Saturday began just as foggy as Friday had ended. We had decided to join Dave and friends at the ‘Gunks, but hadn’t made definite plans to climb. Our entire drive east was foggy and cool and the thought of climbing/sliding on wet rock was growing less and less appealing. But by the time we were settled into our booth at the Bakery and were biting into our bagels and potato knishes, the sun was shining with the promise of a beautiful day.

We made several trips to Rock & Snow throughout the morning, met up with Dave, Jenny and John and were finally on our way to claim the last parking spot in the Trapps lot. We climbed for most of the afternoon, and it was a great experience.

Aaron and I learned to belay, and I did a few things I never expected I would’ve been able to do, like completing the second climb. Physically I was almost worn out by that point, but something happened to let me discover that it’s more about mind than muscles. That realization gave me enough strength to make it to the top, and then some. I hate giving up, and I’m glad I didn’t.

Thanks to Aaron for the following photos!

After wearing ourselves out on the cliffs, Rich, Aaron and I still wanted to fit in a short hike up to Millbrook Ridge. We left our climbing pals around 5:00pm and hiked to a spot near the HAVENS benchmark we’d found last September. We just sat, talked and took photos while trying to catch the last of the sun’s rays and stay warm in the chilly breeze.

Our dinner was a tasty Thai feast at Lemongrass. We devoured delicious Shrimp Spring Rolls before starting on our entrees (Yum Duck for Aaron; rice noodles with chicken, shrimp and Chinese broccoli for me; and hot basil chicken for Rich). Dave couldn’t stop talking about Admiral Byrd’s snow cruiser! We had a quick, sleepy ride home.

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