Mt. Minsi Letterbox

All year I’ve wanted to get to this letterbox, but I spent most of my time in Delaware Water Gap this year across the way on Mt. Tammany. In fact, this was my first trip to Mt. Minsi since late last summer. (Of course, even though finding the letterbox was my main purpose for this hike, I was distracted by the possibility of also locating some benchmarks, and almost walked out the door without the letterbox clues. Typical.) Aaron came along on this one, unsure how he would feel about GPS-free hunting. We took the AT up the mountain, as usual, and had no trouble finding the box. It’s been there almost four years, and it’s in great shape! I was surprised to see that Geeoh had found it, as well. I didn’t recognize any of the other names. (We were astounded by the log from “Wendy from RI” who claims to have done like 1,000,000+ miles of solo hiking and backpacking. Well, maybe not that much, but once it gets over 30,000, does it make a difference?!) Finally, we had a nice day to do our stamp-trading. It really made a big difference. Now, if I could only find those benchmarks…

Today's Geocaches

Almost a Driveby

:warning: This is a virtual geocache with no physical container to locate.

Hi, Jane! Checked on your cache today – it’s still there. 😉 The views were extraordinary.


Pocono Cold Air Cave

:warning: This is a virtual geocache with no physical container to locate.


Maybe things aren’t looking so good for this cache. Aaron and I visited in late afternoon and while we didn’t search extensively for the cache (due to the huge numbers of tourists who kept arriving on the Water Gap Trolley), we did poke around a bit and came up with nothing. The clue was very precise, but we found nothing in the indicated location, and we did our share of rock-lifting as well. Maybe jon3bek hid it so even cachers wouldn’t find it?! 😮 I enjoyed exploring the little cave anyway, and if the cache is still here, I’ll be back!

Zhanna and Aaron

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