Acadia Adventures 2018 – Day 9

This morning was planned to be our crepes day … adn it worked out perfectly. rich wanted to try maple syrup on his turkey crepe, so we stopped at Hannaford to pick up a small bottle of it. Turns out Sunrise does have maple syrup and they were happy to give him a little container on the side. I ordered my usual blueberry crepe and dad got strawberry and banana wit Nutella (his usual at home). Eveyrthing was beyond excellent and we were lucky to get a table large enouhg for all three of us. The cafe was very busy today. Two cruise ships were in and the goofy guy in the lobster suit was sitting right outside the window, waiting for the next batch off the tender. It was so funny every once in a while to see a lobster antenna flick through the open window as he moved his head around.

Next we checked on how we could get tickets for the Schoodic ferry for tomorrow. The line at the Whale Watch compnay was about 50 people ong (cruisers) so we asked at the other shop acorss the way. Fortunately we could get tickets at he Margarte Todd pier instead so we went threre and asked about the ferry. The women there said that while you can get tickets in advance, it’s not a reservation and its first come first served, so we decide to wait till tomorrow morning. We soon headed out on our hike for the day!

It was such a gorgeous day. Insane amount of vehicle traffic on the island for some reason. But we had a lot of fun! Took dad to Compass Harbor and then walked down the Schooner Head path to the fancy stone driveway, where we enjoyed a nice rest at the summit, and then out to the beach with the nice view of the Thrumcap. Spent lots of time there too. The surf was wild and the sun was hot. Perfect!!! We took Murphy’s Lane back to the Park Loop Road. (I think dad had a moment of panic, assuming we were going to climb the Precipice today as well!)

It took about 10 minutes but a Sand Beach bus came by and stopped for us. We were grateful after a long hike on a hot day! The amount of vehicle traffic in the park (well on the island) was insane today. Basically the entire right lane of the park loop road from the Precipice climbersarea to beyond Otter Cliff was full of parked cars. I would expect to see it in July but not midweek in September!

While we were on the bus, Rich and I both spotted two potential trails to check out. One was very shortly after we turned nto Otter Cliff Rd. fromt he Fabbri picnic area - we both saw what looked like a narrow gravel path leading up (Gorham?). And then nt long after we turned out onto Route 3 we saw a trail leading up in the general vicinity of where we expect to find the Green & Black path. Theyre both on our list for further exploraion!

Supper was at Red Sky (after spending a few minutes in the cheese shop getting some Lamb Choper and Canadian cheddar for ourslves and Judy). Red Sky was amazin as always. To celebrate our m00seversary, we got martinis, and dad had the Thirsty Botanist IPA. Rich had the heirloom tomato tart to start, dad had the usual polenta, and I had the salad of mixed greens, Great Hill blue cheese and cranberries with aged balsamic. Dad had the suual chicken, Rich had the tagliatelle with cream sauce and mushrooms and I ad the smoked salmon with goat cream cheese and sesame toasts. Gingerbread for desert. So awesome!!!

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