Acadia Adventures 2016 – Day 14

Our last morning in Maine is always a sad one, but we try to have some fun before we leave, anyway. Continuing the theme from yesterday, the morning was foggy and warm. We had talked about stopping at A Slice of Eden for a bagel which we would eat at our gazebo, as usual, but neither of us really wanted to walk that far this morning, and the conditions weren’t so pleasant for sitting by the waterfront. So we decided to check out 2 Cats instead.

To our surprise, although it was nearly 8am, the restaurant wasn’t busy and we were seated immediately. This year the hosts and waitstaff all seem to be from the Caribbean islands, which was a neat change from the usual hipster servers we have here. They were all exceedingly polite and did their jobs with care.

We enjoyed a delicious large glass of grapefruit juice. We both really liked but agreed it would be even better with gin! I had the summer scramble (eggs with veggies and goat cheese) and Rich had the breakfast sandwich, which he said was OK but he prefers the eggs fried instead of done like an omelet, and for some reason he got Canadian bacon as well as the regular bacon he had ordered. I say again, the bacon at 2 Cats is the best ever! I have no idea where they get it but it’s delicious. When I eat it, I understand why people like bacon so much.

On the wall behind me was a sunrise photo of the Porcupines in Frenchman Bay. Rich was looking at it intently and then he said, “That looks a lot like the style of the photographer I met up here years ago” (whose name he was trying to remember all week). He took a look but couldn’t read the signature, other than “Alan N”, which is consistent with what he thought the guy’s name was. I looked too and said that it looked like N-g (or y) and then something with two dots. “Could it be something like Nyrii?” we wondered. Turns out it’s Nyiri, and the photo was by the guy that Rich met! He has a new(er) book out, Acadia Panoramas, published in 2008. When we got back to our room, we looked up his earlier book and found it for sale on eBay for $3.89. I think we’ll buy another copy, since Rich’s original copy has gone missing.

Our trip home was uneventful, which is typically a good thing. Hard to believe our adventures are over for another year, but the memories will get us through!

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