Acadia Adventures 2015 – Day 14

Fall hours have begun! This year, simply due to the late date of Labor Day, we’re in Maine later in September than usual. So our plan to purchase a pastry breakfast from Morning Glory and sit at the gazebo as we usually do on our last day were thwarted by the “Closed Tuesdays - Fall hours begin 9/22” sign on Morning Glory’s door.

Where else were we going to find something? We ended up at Pink Pastry shop again, and again, they had very few items that could be considered “breakfast.” We each chose one of the maple-pecan pastries that I had a few days ago. It was tasty and had a great flaky texture (even Rich liked the pastry crust, although we both would have much preferred if the filling were apple or some other kind of fruit). We sat on a bench at the edge of the park rather than at the gazebo.

While we were eating, one of us happened to mention the Black Friar. I just about slapped myself in the head. “WHY did we not go back there again this morning? I wasn’t even thinking about it! I could definitely eat another of Johnny’s omelets. And I need more Friar Fries.”

After a few minutes going back and forth unsure if we should really do it, I said, “OK, we’re going!” And we did. Rich was good and had nothing but 9-grain toast, while I had a Tomlette omelet filled with veggies, and served with toast, fruit, and of course, Friar Fries!!! It was the perfect way to end an absolutely perfect vacation.

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