Back at Penny Rock

My father invited us to join him this morning for a drive to Montrose for the annual Blueberry Festival and a breakfast of fresh blueberry pancakes. This was an offer too good to pass up! I haven’t been to the blueberry festival in years, but I always thought it was fun. As a bonus, I discovered that there was supposedly a bench mark set into the courthouse foundation. Of course, after the pancakes were eaten (and after a blueberry pie, cactus pup, and Susquehanna County history book were purchased), finding the bench mark became our priority, and we were thrilled to see that it was accessible.

Following this exciting morning, we spent some time hiking the Penny Rock Trail at nearby Salt Springs State Park. The Penny Rock geocache was one of the first ones I ever placed (and probably one of the first in Susquehanna County). It was adopted by another Geocacher, pendotron, in January of this year. Because it’s now in a new location and a new container, Rich and I felt that it would be kosher for us to search for it and log another fine. We did so, and enjoyed our leisurely walk along the wooden boardwalks high above the falls.

We ended the day’s adventures with another benchmark find, this one set in the front yard of a home in Lenox Township.

Today's Geocache

Penny Rock

Hi, pendotron!

It’s been a while since Rich and I visited Salt Springs S.P. As it turns out, my father, Dave, invited us to join him this morning for a drive to Montrose for the annual Blueberry Festival and a breakfast of fresh blueberry pancakes. This was an offer too good to pass up!

Afterwards, dad suggested a hike at Salt Springs, which gave us an opportunity to check on this geocache. Our hike along the Hemlock Trail brought back lots of fond memories. Along the way we made a brief stop at Penny Rock for photos and to add another penny to the collection. We found your new cache container without any difficulty. It was nicely hidden and in good condition. No muggles today, either. We recorded our visit in the log and then concluded our hike via the Hardwood Trail. Along that trail we saw a red eft and some interesting moss that we have yet to identify.

Thanks for adopting and continuing to maintain this geocache! :grin:

Zhanna, Dave and ~Rich in NEPA~

Today's Survey Marks

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