Those Crazy Cougar Kidz

Today's Geocache

Cougar Kidz

Hi, Papadadio & Family!

Rich and I have enjoyed hiking and biking on this amazing little labyrinth of trails for a few years now, but for some reason we never remembered to search for this geocache. We decided to return to the park this morning for a brisk walk while the weather was still pleasant, and this time we made it one of our goals to find your cache. Despite the potential for confusion due to the number of crisscrossing trails in this area, the coordinates were spot on and led us directly to the treasure. The container was well hidden and was in very good condition, at least for now—I agree with Rich that the logbook should be sealed in a Zip-Loc bag for protection. We signed in at 10:00am, took nothing and left a little noisemaker for the kidz. Thanks for the fun! :grin:

Howdy, PapaD & Family! Sorry that it took us so long to finally get to this cache. We come to this park fairly often and this morning we decided to check “Cougar Kidz” off our extensive list of area geocaches that we haven’t done yet. Easy find since we know these trails well. Cache is in excellent condition. However, I’d like to suggest that the next cacher bring a Zip-Loc bag, at least for the logbook. If we had one with us we would have been happy to oblige. This type of container can be prone to leakage. Surprisingly, we did find everything inside to be completely dry! Took nothing; left a silly little noisemaker. Thanks for the hunt!

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