Today's Geocache
Rocks from afar
- Owner: rxc640
Location: N 41° 28.377' W 075° 37.700'
- Log Type: Note
- Date: 24 August 2008
- Original listing

Hi, Rich!
This morning, after searching for a PennDOT GPS survey station nearby, we went to collect the First Finder’s prize. We enjoyed walking part of the old Moosic Lake Road, and we found the treasure without any trouble. Be assured it’s greatly appreciated, but we hope you know we were only kidding about there being no “beer money” in the cache!
We’ve decided, as we did with your last tree cache, to return the prize to the “Rocks From Afar” cache the next time we visit it. Hopefully this will provide an incentive for someone else to attempt the challenge! If no one succeeds in finding it within a predetermined time period we will, as before, go back to claim the prize for ourselves.
Thanks for adding an extra little adventure to our weekend!
Zhanna and ~Rich in NEPA~