Acadia Adventures 2008 - Day 7

Breakfast was at Jeannie’s: blueberry pancakes, coffee, cranberry juice; 2 fried eggs, homefries, bacon, toast, coffee for R. It was a wet, foggy morning as usual, so after breakfast we wandered around town for a bit, exchanging pants Rich had bought for a better fitting pair and finding moose socks and a hat to purchase. Then we went to the Nature Center parking area at Sieur de Monts Spring, where we hiked in toward the Stratheden Path (which we somehow missed the first time) to the Park Loop Road and then over Kebo Mountain. We enjoyed some sunshine on our walk, but mostly went in and out of heavy fog.

After finishing the hike we were still in the mood for taking more photos, so we went to the Wild Gardens and spent some time there among the native plants, particularly enjoying the carnivores (pitcher plants).

We then headed back to our room for supper at the Burning Tree at 6:30—which was wonderful except for the cackling women seated nearby. We always enjoy the complimentary breads, this time French and seed bread. Then we shared an appetizer of prawn crackers with lobster, avocado and seaweed; and shared a second appetizer of clams with angel hair pasta. My meal was crabcakes with jalapeno tartar sauce, which Rich had grey sole stuffed wuth pea tendrils, currey butter sauce; the sides were garlic scalloped potatoes and cold beet salad. For drinks we had local favorites Bar Harbor Real ale and True Blue Ale; and dessert was lemon MOUSSE with reduced red wine and prune (sorry, “dried plum”) sauce.

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