A Quick(?) Birthday Cache

In which Zhanna was a few hours too early for a First Find … something fishy is in the air!

Today's Geocache

The Emergency Cache

Hi, Jarhead28!

Well, apparently I was about two hours too early for the First Find. How is that possible? Well, I’m not sure, but I was there at 10:00am, and the cache wasn’t. I searched every inch of the item in question, as several firefighters and an EMT can attest to. No cache … but when I came back at 5:45pm, I walked right up to it. I have to wonder if the cache page was published a little while before it should have been.

Thanks to downward I was able to take half of the First Finders prize anyway, and I left my signature. Thanks for a nice excuse to get outside on such a lovely day, and for a chance to meet some of our local emergency team members!


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