A Spring Morning in Pike County

After checking on Z 235, a mark that we had found before and that we’d heard might be missing (it wasn’t), Rich and I took a peaceful drive along the Lackawaxen. We decided to take a look for a mark along the railroad (Q 50 RESET 1944), even though we didn’t have a datasheet for it. The mark, which is set into the south end of the west abutment of a small bridge, was an easy find. It is in fair condition, one edge of the disk having been pried up.

While we were in the area, Rich and I decided to look for TEDY, too. We were expecting an easy and interesting find because our maps indicated that this mark lies within “Forest Lake Park.” To our disappointment and slight confusion, when we arrived we discovered that the park is no longer a park (or at least is not publicly accessible), and that this stretch along the highway is currently undergoing construction.

Coordinates for the station mark took us directly on top of a high bank of fill between the highway and construction trailers. The mark may well still exist, but it is completely inaccessible at the moment. We believe we found the boulder that once held RM 1, but no mark was evident. Either it is buried, or the part of the boulder holding the mark has been broken off.

RM 2 was found, but the concrete monument into which it is set is damaged. It looks to have been hit by a plow or other heavy equipment and now lies at an angle.

Today's Survey Marks

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