Our Kind of TEMPLE

An easy geocache hunt at Moon Lake County Park (a great place for mountain biking!) was followed by a trek through a cemetery and open woods to triangulation station TEMPLE atop the Shickshinny Mountain ridge. This late-November day was even nice enough for a nap on the mountaintop overlooking Nanticoke.

Today's Geocache

The Water Tank Cache

Hi, TweedKing!

Finally, a gorgeous warm Saturday! Why did we have to wait for this till the end of November, when there are too few hours of daylight to get much of anything accomplished?! Despite this injustice, Rich and I wanted to take full advantage of the beautiful day the forecast promised. The early morning was chilly and the sky was clear as we drove south on I-81 from my house … until we reached Mountain Top, where a thick blinding fog surrounded us. It stayed with us till we climbed high on Route 29 and were almost to the park. After taking a little detour through back lanes, we then drove through the maze of park roads, circling the lake till we got close to our desired parking spot. The park’s maintenance crew was busy today, but otherwise we had the park to ourselves. We enjoyed a lovely walk through open woods, warming up as we hiked. After checking on the Black Diamond cache, which we verified is still in place despite the last few geocachers’ troubles, we walked directly toward your cache and found it very easily. The coordinates were excellent, and the container and contents were secure and dry. I was startled (and then laughed) when I noticed TrustyLizard’s “signature” wriggling at me from inside the logbook. :smiling_imp: Too bad we couldn’t be first this time, but a close second to Trusty is good enough for me. I left one of my fluorescent rats—bright yellow this time—and took one of your personalized “Tweedking Geocache” keychain lights. Then we were off to a whole new kind of bushwhacking benchmark adventure for the remainder of the morning and part of the sunny, warm afternoon (it turned out to be a perfect day, not too short after all ). Thanks for giving me another reason to visit this lovely little park! I’m looking forward to your future geocaches.


Howdy, TK! Arrived at the site shortly before 10:00am this morning after stopping briefly to check on the Black Diamond cache, which conveniently was along the way from where we parked the car. It was such a beautiful late Fall morning to be hiking in these woods. We saw dozens of busy squirrels everywhere and they were making quite a racket, too. Found the cache without any difficulty. The coords lead us right to it. I took nothing but left one of my unique cyclist’s keyrings and two Geocaching magnets. After this we headed back down to Route 11 to search for a benchmark (triangulation station TEMPLE). Thanks for the very pleasant cache hunt. ~Rich in NEPA~

Today's Survey Marks

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