What an adventure OLEY was! After finding the geocache “x, y AND z” just a few miles to the north, Rich and I were in the mood to scout out the area for possible access to certain triangulation stations. We didn’t expect that we’d actually complete any hunts today, but once we realized that OLEY should be accessible from one of the designated parking areas for Nescopeck State Park, we decided to give it a try.

We followed the main trail from the Lower Day-Use Area (this trail was likely once a road, probably the one mentioned in the description) until reaching Nescopeck Creek. The sparse remains of bridges are evident where the road at one time crossed the creek, but they didn’t provide a suitable means for crossing it. We eventually crossed on a fallen log further north, and then backtracked down the eastern side of the creek to pick up the woods road once more (at the point where the bridge once carried it across).

A trek uphill on this overgrown track road and then a short bushwhack through open woods brought us directly to the station. The station mark and RM 1 were easy to spot, but measuring and digging through loose soil were required to expose RM 2, which is now flush with the level of the ground. All marks are in good condition with clear stamping. Interstate 80 is just over 100 yards south of the mark and may provide the simplest means of access. I preferred the hike through the woods and the challenges it provided.

After finding OLEY, we located two roadside benchmarks nearby.

Today's Geocache

x, y, AND z

  • Owner: the existential outlaw, ADOPTED by frenchfrynfrosty
  • Location: N 41° 06.553' W 075° 52.241'
  • Log Type: Found it
  • Date: 21 September 2003
  • Original listing

Hi, Team CitR! It took Rich a little extra time to get his act together this morning (just kidding, R :wink:) … but we still arrived in the area by 10:30 and were on the (correct) trail within minutes. As usual, we each found the container independently. Rich located it first just as I made a comment about the kind of place I felt was a likely hiding spot for this particular cache; a few minutes later I spotted the cache and realized that my guess had been pretty close. All morning long I’d been thinking “TrustyLizard’s going to get there first. TrustyLizard’s going to try really hard to beat us this time.” But when we arrived at the site, the ground cover appeared undisturbed, and we thought we might still have a chance. Opened the cache and what did I see? A tiny lizard head grinning, mocking me; an exclusive TrustyLizard magnet; and a note from TL scribbled in black marker on the first sheet of the “logbook.” Ah, well, second’s not bad, and I was happy for Trusty. :grin: Rich and I moved the cache to a clearing where we signed in and took photos, and we each added a state quarter to the container (we took nothing). Rich returned the cache to its hiding spot, and we began our walk back to the car just as some ATV riders came up the path. Thanks for a pleasant morning walk in a pretty area, and for the challenge of the cache itself. It was a great activity to start off a terrific day!

Howdy, Team CITR! Had a bit of a late start this morning (attended my niece’s wedding last night so I have a pretty good excuse), but arrived on the scene at 11:00am only to find that TrustyLizard was already there at 9:00am. There was no mistaking that little lizard upon opening the container! (Sorry, that we missed you too, DaMaxx, but you must have gotten there not too long after we had left.) The trail was getting a little busy with ATV traffic so we didn’t stick around. I also wanted to wait this evening to post my log until after TL posted his ‘cuz I figured he certainly deserved to have the first spot on the cache page. The cache itself was a relatively easy find. Coordinates were good and they lead me right to it. Didn’t take anything, but I left a North Carolina State quarter and signed the logbook. (I hope this type of log manages to hold up since the pages come right off.) Enjoyed the morning walk immensely. Went searching for benchmarks next. Thanks for the hunt! ~Rich in NEPA~

Today's Survey Marks

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