Exploring Near Central Park

Today's Geocaches

Busman's Holiday

:warning: This is a virtual geocache with no physical container to locate.

Hi, KP!

This was our first stop on our whirlwind geocaching tour of the city on this beautiful September weekend. I’m yet another geocacher who walks by this pretty frequently and never really noticed it till now. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

Zhanna and Aaron

Really Big Show

:warning: This is a virtual geocache with no physical container to locate.


Walked over to this one after locating ‘Busman’s Holiday.’ I love the doors! Thanks for pointing out another piece of New York City history.

Zhanna and Aaron

Bumblebee from Tennessee

:warning: This is a virtual geocache with no physical container to locate.


This was our first Central Park cache of the day, and our first letterbox cache ever. It took a while to find, due to the excellent hiding spot and the fact that four people were staring intently at me almost the whole time I was searching (“Oh no, he’s taking off his shoes… this could take a while!”) Fortunately, the spot I’d been searching wasn’t quite right, and when I finally found the cache they were unable to see me. In the log I left a copy of my mark, which I will eventually have made into a stamp, and I also marked it with a stamp that Rich in NEPA got from a cache in Maine. (He’s visiting the city today too, but only in spirit.) We started off our own letterboxing journal with your cute little stamp. Thanks for a very different sort of cache hunt!

Zhanna and Aaron

The Scotsman goes south

:warning: This is a virtual geocache with no physical container to locate.

Hi, DJGecko!

This was the second cache on our mini-tour of Central Park this sunny September Saturday. The coordinates took us right to an area we definitely didn’t want to search through, but just a few minutes later we discovered the cache in a much friendlier place very close by. I retrieved it quickly while a woman slumbered only three feet away. We had nothing small enough to leave, so we traded nothing this time. I signed the log, but more space is definitely needed. Love the cache name! Thanks for a cool adventure.

Zhanna and Aaron

Water (from Tennessee)

:warning: This is a virtual geocache with no physical container to locate.


Well, this one didn’t turn out exactly as we’d hoped, but we had an interesting adventure anyway. We arrived at the area after finding a few other Central Park caches, and Aaron, parched and hungry, stopped at the nearby ‘Hydration Station’ for a soda and some $2.50 M&Ms while I attempted to search for the cache. I began at the location specified and expanded my search in several directions. But I was only able to search for ten to fifteen minutes; there were way too many people in the area and some were staring suspiciously. I was about to call off the search and come back on a weekday, when Aaron pointed to a promising spot and asked if I’d checked in there. Well, I hadn’t, but when I looked in I saw what appeared to be the corner of a plastic bag. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but I figured it was still possible that this was the cache, so with Aaron shielding me I pulled out the bag. My prize was a large plastic bag containing a thick envelope. Still thinking this might be the cache, we took it up on top of the rocks and opened it. Inside the envelope were two small books wrapped in red paper. I started to doubt I’d found what I was looking for. I opened one of the books and saw that it contained pages and pages of what appeared to be poems and sayings (possibly in Spanish or a similar language?). Opening the other journal I found more of the same, except that this book also contained a pressed wildflower and some diagrams and sketches. What an interesting find – someone’s personal cache! I wanted to put it back immediately and was able to do so after waiting for some tourists to leave the area. We decided to move on to another cache; I’m interested to see if this one might still be in place, though it doesn’t appear likely. Thanks for a ‘not found’ that was definitely not disappointing!

Zhanna and Aaron

Walkin' through the park ...

:warning: This is a virtual geocache with no physical container to locate.


After our interesting adventure at “Water (from Tennessee)” it was nice to have a simple, almost guaranteed find. And that’s what this was! It’s yet another landmark we never really noticed. We learned something new! Thanks.

Zhanna and Aaron

Central Park, Rowboat Lake.

:warning: This is a virtual geocache with no physical container to locate.

Hi, cache kids!

We found this cache around 5:00pm during a long but wonderful day of geocaching in the park. Tree cover was a slight issue in this area, but the coordinates got us close enough that I was able to find the cache without much trouble. I agree with previous finders – nice hiding spot!The cache was in good condition and contained more than I expected, including a travel bug. I added my mark in the logbook and stamped my own journal, and then we traded a new egg of Silly Putty for the Spiderman travel bug. This was located in a very pleasant area and we felt we had more privacy here than at the other caches we visited today. Thanks!

Zhanna and Aaron

Flowers from Tennessee

:warning: This is a virtual geocache with no physical container to locate.

Hi, KLifeMom!

This was our final find of the day. We could hear two people on the rocks not far away, but they didn’t see us. We were able to search thoroughly and found the cache without much trouble. It was very well hidden! I left my mark in the log, and I also stamped it with a flower stamp from my friend Rich in NEPA, who was here in spirit. Of course I stamped my own journal, too. This was a lovely little spot, calm and peaceful in the heart of the busy city. Thanks for a satisfying end to a wonderful geocaching day!

Zhanna and Aaron

Today's Survey Marks

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