Our first stop, El El Frijoles, just in time for lunch
Chicken chili bowl
Carnitas tacos
Rich enjoys his food after a long drive!
The tacos are delicious!
First night tradition, relaxing at Rosalie's with Rich!
We've been waiting all year for this!
Wild waves in the bay today
Thick sea foam
A new climbing partner for Dave?
Checking out a new source of information
Zhanna enjoys the view from Great Hill
"I could go for some wine & cheese!"
Studying the map before looking for the next abandoned trail!
Rich surveys the scene.
A colorful view from the first summit
Perfect day and location for a picnic!
Time to send Dad a photo from Great Hill
Enjoying the sunshine
We followed this trail last year, north to Duck Brook Road.
More stellar views from the ledges
A pothole?
Typical flora of Acadia
Fall color is coming quickly.
Zhanna heads off to look for more trails!
View from the second summit
A large cairn marks the second summit.
Eagle Lake is visible in the distance
An unusual view of Cadillac and Dorr Mountains
When I saw the small cairn in the distance, I knew I had found something.
The Bracken Trail can be accessed very close to this sign.
The roadside cave, very close to the Great Hill trailhead
The cozy interior of the Black Friar Inn at dinnertime
Rich's NY strip steak with crabmeat and asparagus
Zhanna's potato-encrusted halibut and mushroom risotto
An abandoned road leads into the woods from a pulloff on Schooner Head Road.
We spotted this foundation near the intersection of Schooner Head Road and one of the abandoned roads.
A rocky beach, beautiful water and a view of the Thrumcap
The beach was peaceful today!
Where's George? In a tide pool!
Colors and textures, rock and sea
Zhanna finds a nice picnic spot.
Zhanna investigates this outcrop, looking for benchmarks.
No benchmarks, but this "X" might have been used for aerial surveying?
This large painted arrow may have been used for aerial surveying.
The Thrumcap is visible through the trees.
An old foundation, now becoming overgrown.
A large slab near Thrumcap Ledge, maybe once a patio?
Granite retaining wall along the old driveway
Impressive construction along the old driveway!
The path of the old driveway is still clearly evident.
Majestic pine tree at the summit
Rich really liked this tree and explored it from several angles.
One of two pins set into the ledge
Looking toward Champlain from the summit
A peaceful scene
A peaceful scene
Lichen, grasses and mosses of Acadia
Lichen, grasses and mosses of Acadia
Life on the ledges
A forked birch tree
Reindeer moss
Rich looks around for interesting subjects!
Forest Health survey disk
The survey disk and tagged trees
This “rocky gully” looked promising but it didn't lead us to an abandoned trail.
Rich digs in! Dinner at Paddy's.
Fish & chips at Paddy's
Wexford fish sandwich
Blueberry pie with lemon curd and ice cream
Laurel sphinx moth caterpillar, Otter Cliff Road
Beginning of the abandoned Green & White Path on Otter Cliff Road
At the Bowl
Old granite steps leading down into the woods near the Bowl
These trails lead to Enoch Mountain.
Dad & Rich hiking on the Bubble & Jordan Ponds Path
The intersection where the climbing begins
Dad rests, with still a short distance to go to the summit
Zhanna and Dad at the summit
Zhanna and Rich, tired but triumphant!
Dog Day Cicada on summit post
View south toward islands in the bay
View to the north on a gorgeous day
Weather station at the base of McFarland Mountain
Weather station
USGS water monitoring station
USGS water monitoring station
Relics from the old tow rope system
Remaining relics
McFarland Mountain's fancy cairn
Dad and Zhanna at the summit of McFarland Mountain
Rich and Zhanna, glad they finally made it to the top!
University of Rhode Island/NPS Triangulation Station MARS
View from McFarland Mountain, Eagle Lake in the distance
Crab & lobster dip at Paddy's
Stout burger
Wexford fish sandwich (again)
Dad is enjoying his food and Guinness
Waterfront scene in Bar Harbor
Waterfront scene in Bar Harbor
Bar Harbor scene
Lobster traps
Ranger Bob Thayer
Lobster boat
View of Mount Desert Island from Baker Island
Windswept Baker Island
Baker Island scene
Zhanna on Baker Island
Baker Island vegetation
Baker Island historic cemetery
Island settlers' graves
Joseph Gilley's grave
Baker Island scene
Baker Island cemetery
Dad and Zhanna on Baker Island
Old boundary marker near the road
Windswept tall grass
Boulders on the beach
Boulders on the beach
Beach scene, Baker Island
Baker Island Lighthouse
Ranger Bob gives a history of the island
Baker Island lighthouse
BAKER triangulation station
View of the lighthouse from the Baker Island triangulation station
Remains of an old wall
Barnacles on the beach
Scene along West Street
Scene along West Street
Scene along West Street
Street scene, Southwest Harbor
Zhanna and Dad—looking a little like cruisers?
Zhanna and Rich along the Shore Path
Colorful seaweed
Scene along the Shore Path
Scene along the Shore Path
Kebo Brook Trail
Along the Kebo Brook Trail
New growth!
Textures and colors
Fire and ice?
Kebo Brook Trail
Some color on a gloomy morning
More new growth
Adorable little tree!
Boundary monument: JDR/JDR/PVT
Boundary monument and an NPS witness post
Peaceful scene
Crossing Kebo Brook
Crossing Kebo Brook
Brilliant red maple leaf
Local melon salad, dinner at Rogue Café
Korean short ribs at Rogue Café
Pork loin with wild mushrooms at Rogue Café
Panko-crusted haddock at Rogue Café
French toast, breakfast at 2 Cats
Granola with milk and fresh fruit, 2 Cats
Small sunflower in the front yard of 2 Cats
Small sunflower in the front yard of 2 Cats
Sunflower from behind
Stunning double begonias
A wooden bridge on the Great Meadow Loop
Some color in the woods
Bright red and green maple leaves
Bright red and green maple leaves
A relic along the Hemlock Trail
Birches along the Great Meadow Loop
Birches near the Park Loop Road
Birch Tunnel on the Hemlock Trail
Birches and meadow
Cattails along the Hemlock Trail
GHEAD triangulation station at Great Head
View from GHEAD
Multigrain bread and cornbread with dipping sauces, dinner at Havana
Mushroom spring rolls at Havana
Proveleta at Havana
Filet with potatoes and mushroom sauce at Havana
Tuna with tropical fruit slaw at Havana
Seasonal farmers' market in Bar Harbor
Farmers' market scene
Farmers' market scene
Colorful veggies
Beautiful produce!
Gorgeous bunches of turnips
Heirloom tomatoes
Luscious tomatoes and more fresh vegetables
Cherry tomatoes
Colors of late summer
Sampling trail mix at Lucy's Granola stand
Farmers' market scene
Farmers' market scene
All kinds of tomatoes
A rainbow of veggies
Scones and other treats at Breadbox Bakery stand
Artisan goat cheeses at Yellow Birch Farm stand
Artisan goat cheeses at Yellow Birch Farm stand
Artisan goat cheeses at Sunset Acres Farm stand
Artisan goat cheeses at Sunset Acres Farm stand
Artisan goat cheeses at Sunset Acres Farm stand
Zhanna makes a haul at the farmers' market
Lunch at Beal's Lobster Pier, Southwest Harbor
Before ...
... and after
Rich finishes up his beer after our feast at Beal's!
WONDERLAND triangulation station
Small pine at Wonderland
Colorful berries (viburnum?)
Chiseled cross benchmark in Bernard
Chiseled cross on ledge
Tidal benchmark disk on outcrop
The shore near the tidal benchmarks
Zhanna looks for the chiseled cross
Harbor scene
Harbor scene
USGS Bench Mark Disk K 14
USGS Bench Mark Disk K 14
USGS Bench Mark Disk K 14 on outcrop
NGS Bench Mark Disk H 145
Interesting shapes and textures
A neat tree along Long Pond Fire Road
Long Pond Fire Road triangulation station (center)
Half pizzaroni (Rich’s pick), half plain pie at Rosalie's
Our last perfect pizza for the year!
Egg, cheese, and bacon crepe, Sunrise Cafe
Blueberry crepe, Sunrise Cafe
Mums on the street in Bar Harbor
Mums on the street in Bar Harbor
Mums on the street in Bar Harbor
Exploring the abandoned road to Otter Point summit
Becoming a little more entangled ...
The grade of the old road is still evident.
Storm damage?
Looks like a giant game of Pick Up Sticks!
Rich pauses to photograph the moss.
Watch where you step!
Looking further out along the old road
Reindeer moss (actually lichen)
Birch polypore
Swimmin' hole on Otter Creek used by locals
Otter Creek waterslide
Otter Creek waterslide
Rich finds a comfortable spot to take in the view.
Wetlands south of the Tarn
Bogwalk section of the Canon Brook Trail
Lamb taco appetizer at Red Sky
Roast chicken dinner
Tagliatelle pasta with mushrooms & cream sauce
Rich takes a photo of his chicken dinner for Dad
Rich finally ordered the roast chicken, after all these years!
Fog in the harbor
Buns on the bench